Midlands IBM Retirees Club - June 2024 Newsletter

The AGM will be taking place at Gaydon Village Hall on Monday 12th August; a buffet lunch will be provided and it will provide a great opportunity for members to meet up. See the agenda and below for more information.

The London IBM Retirees Club are organising three events in the Midlands area during August and September and have invited our members to join these events. This is a great opportunity to enjoy these events and meet with our London colleagues who we may have worked with during our IBM career.

The three events are:

Shuttleworth Family Day including Air Show on Sunday 11 August
Black Country Living Museum on Monday 9 September
Morgan Car Factory Tour on Tuesday 10 September

See below for details.

The Tech Club is taking a holiday until September, but if you have any ideas for topics to be discussed at future events, please let John Rickman know.

Michael Fabianski, Newsletter Editor. E-mail: ibmmidretnews@gmail.com


Event Reports

E2405PPL: Pete’s Place 30th May 2024

After the worst spring and early summer that anybody could remember, it seemed highly probable that this event was going the be cancelled, but, after discussing it with Pete we decided to chance it. We had a brief spell of rain, and some sunshine, so we were not disappointed. Fourteen car loads of, mostly children, enjoyed the miniature railway and steamboat amid the beautiful grounds of Pete’s Place.

We were able to donate £180 to The Air Ambulance.

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E2405PPL: Pete’s%20Place
E2405PPL: Pete’s%20Place
E2405PPL: Pete’s%20Place

Gary Wooding

E2406CHE: Chedham’s Yard 18th June 2024

Eleven club members had an interesting time visiting the Chedham’s Yard living museum in Wellesbourne where, following a tea and cake welcome, they watched a demonstration by a blacksmith, and viewed the early hand-powered tools used to make and repair wooden wheels and horse drawn wagons. They later enjoyed a fine lunch at the nearby King’s Head pub.

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E2406CHE: Chedham’s%20Yard
E2406CHE: Chedham’s%20Yard
E2406CHE: Chedham’s%20Yard

See Dropbox for more photos.

Gary Wooding



The following events are currently planned for 2024:

13-15 JulyJohnsons 2-day break – Llandudno & Snowdonia
Monday 12 AugustAGM See below.
August/SeptemberLondon Club events See below.
OctoberNational Memorial Arboretum
Wednesday 11 December (provisional)Christmas Lunch

Photographs from Past Events.

Click on one of the links below to view a selection of photographs from past events.


AGM - Monday 12th August

The club will be holding its AGM on Monday 12 August. For the first time in 4 years we will be having this meeting in person rather than online. The venue is the Gaydon village hall in Church Road, opposite the Malt Shovel pub.

The meeting will start at 11 a.m. with a welcome drink. After the meeting we will be having a buffet lunch funded by the club. Please reserve this date in your diaries if you wish to come.

Please let Ray Bradshaw whether you will be attending.

London IBM Retirees Club events

1) Shuttleworth Family Day including Air Show

The atmosphere, the buzz, the noise and excitement! There’s nothing quite like an air show at the Shuttleworth Collection and Gardens So much is going on both in the air and on the ground, with an impressive aircraft line-up to see. Join the pilots for an exclusive chat, picnic in the Swiss Garden or enjoy a vintage bus ride and tour of Shuttleworth House.

Date/Time: Sunday, 11th August 2024 at 09:00

Location: Shuttleworth, Alder Drive, Biggleswade, SG18 9EA

Price: £35 per person. Member and guest £70. Children aged 16 and under: Free

Event Organiser: Derrick Daines. 22 Fulford Road, Caterham CR3 5SQ

Note: As this day is specifically for families you may book for up to nine adults plus as many children as you can bring!

This is a day of activities for the whole family including a thrilling air display, outdoor cinema, flight simulators, fun fair with carousel and Ferris wheel, playground, children’s activities, and more!

To book click on: www.retireelondonclub.org/event/shuttleworth-family-day/


2) Black Country Living Museum

Leave the 21st century behind for the day and experience sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of the Black Country as you explore rebuilt, replica or recreated shops, houses and industrial workshops.

Date/Time: Monday, 9th September 2024 at 11:30 - 17:00

Location: Black Country Living Museum, Discovery Way, Dudley, DY1 4AL

Price: £21 per person (Under 65)
£20 per person (65 and over)

Event Organiser: David Sparrow. 62 Eton Avenue, Barnet EN4 8TY

The Black Country Living Museum is an open-air museum of rebuilt historic buildings in Dudley, West Midlands, England. It is located in the centre of the Black Country, 10 miles west of Birmingham. It is a wonderful place to explore, set in 26 acres, mobility friendly and with lots to see and do.

To book click on: www.retireelondonclub.org/event/black-country-museum/


3) Morgan Experience Centre

Immerse yourself in a mix of rare craft skills and the latest modern technology that goes into each Morgan sports car. Your tour guide will take you through each of the historic workshops, showcasing the unique processes which go in to building a Morgan.

Date/Time: Tuesday, 10th September 2024 at 11:30 - 14:00

Location: Morgan Experience Centre, Spring Lane, Malvern, WR14 2LS

Price: £33.50 per person. Member and guest £67

Event Organiser: Sue Andrews: 87 The Meadway, Highcliff, BH23 4NU

To book click on: www.retireelondonclub.org/event/morgan-experience/.


Sub-Groups of Retirees Club and Employee Club


It is hoped to organise occasional rambles with options so that participants can choose a length of walk to suit them.

Please contact Terry King, terryaking@hotmail.com for more information.


IBM Retirees Technology Group

The Tech Club is taking a holiday until September, but if you have any ideas for topics to be discussed at future events, please let John Rickman know.

The IBM Tech Club meets using the Zoom video conferencing platform at 11.00 on the third Friday of each month. The club is a place where you can talk to IBM folk about matters technical. For example, help or advice on buying or using computers, smart phones,touch pads; engineering, electronics, wifi, bluetooth, cryptography, bitcoin, using computers to making movies, songs or musical works, best software, streaming, the internet, photography, diy, and anything else about the modern world you would like to understand better.

Apart from the technical discussion we try to have a talk by a club member at each meeting. This depends very much on members volunteering to prepare and show something they are interested in.

At 11 o’clock on the day of the meeting click on the link below. It should take you straight into the meeting.


Meeting ID: 883 3813 5221
Passcode: 395710

If you need help with Zoom contact John Rickman (rickman@argonet.co.uk) in good time before the meeting.


Members’ Notices

We all know Midlands Retirees who are undertaking a range of activities to raise money for good causes. The Committee have therefore decided to offer this space to advertise such initiatives and other events which may be of interest.


Click on the links below for more useful information.

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